The state’s environmental agency is taking proposals for projects aimed at making Delaware’s waterways cleaner.
The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC) said in a news release its annual grant opportunity funded through the Clean Water Act is open and more than $1.23 million is available.
“While there has been vast improvement in Delaware’s water quality, challenges still persist, and meeting those challenges is crucial to our state’s achieving our goal of clean water for all Delawareans,” DNREC Secretary Shawn Garvin said in the release. “These Clean Water Act grants offer leverage for government agencies and nonprofit organizations who continue to make headway on the state’s clean water challenge. These grants help fund investments in cover crops, nutrient management, land conservation, stormwater retrofits, and tree planting projects – all of which enhance and improve water quality statewide.”
The grant program, according to the release, is open to state residents, counties, government agencies and nonprofit organizations.
Eligible projects must reduce the state’s nonpoint source pollution while improving water quality, according to the release. Projects are to be designed so nutrients that drain or leach into the state’s impaired waters must be reduced. NPS pollution is created when water runs over and through the ground, and pollutants are carried to lakes, rivers, wetlands, coastal waters and groundwater.
Grant proposals will be accepted from Dec. 6 through Feb. 9, according to the release.
Previous grant recipients have included reducing pollutants on cover crops, nutrient management planning, water control structures and addressing living shorelines and stormwater facility enhancements.
The projects, according to DNREC, have to include match funding of at least 67% from a nonfederal funding source, according to the release.
This article was originally posted on Delaware makes $1.2M in grant funding available to combat pollution
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